Welcome to Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society |

Phi Rho Sigma Elects New Officers at Atlanta Grand Council Meeting
Dr. Sheryl Mascarenhas, a Rheumatologist from Sylvania, OH was elected as the new National President at the Atlanta meeting.
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Grand Chapter 2024 Medalists Awarded
The Irving S. Cutter Medal, for outstanding contribution to medicine, was presented to Dr. Gary LeRoy of Alpha Upsilon chapter.
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Scholarships Awarded to Iota Chapter Graduates
The William Angle Iota Benefit Memorial Scholarships were awarded to graduating M4's that are members of both Iota Chapter of Phi Rho Sigma
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Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society, founded in 1890 at Northwestern University, is a coeducational society for medical students. In 1929, Chi Zeta Chi which was founded at the University of Georgia, was amalgamated with Phi Rho Sigma. Membership is open to men and women attending medical schools of the highest standing. The Society currently has active chapters throughout the United States. Our alumni have been responsible for numerous, significant advances in modern medicine and many alumni hold position of influence and prominence in academics and clinical medicine.
Objects of Phi Rho Sigma
- To promote good fellowship among students, alumni, and faculty of medical schools and the medical community.
- To encourage excellence in professional work and continuing improvement in the medical profession.
- To assist, by every honorable means, the advancement of its members.
- To enhance the quality of medical education.
- To promote the concept of medicine as a profession of service to society.
Membership: Please visit our membership benefits page for information about becoming a member.