"Our mission is dedicated to the enhancement of medical education, service to humanity, and fellowship among its members." |
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News of The Society |
Phi Rho Sigma Elects New Officers at Atlanta Grand Council Meeting |
Dr. Sheryl Mascarenhas, a Rheumatologist from Sylvania, OH was elected as the new National President at the Atlanta meeting. She was initiated as a member of Alpha Upsilon chapter at Wright State University and has continued to be active in the leadership of the society for the past twenty years. You can read more about her in the upcoming issue of the Journal.
Other officers elected to serve the next biennium are Vice-President - Dr. Gary LeRoy, Alpha Upsilon; Secretary/Treasurer- Dr. Gabriel Cuka, Iota; Historian -Dr. Christy Benson, Mu and Editor- Dr. Joseph Wheeler, Iota.
Elected as Student Delegates to the Grand Council were Grace Tolan - Eta Tau, Hilary Kleppel - Alpha Upsilon, Logan McLennon - Alpha and Paulina Piwowarczyk, Alpha. Alternate Delegates elected were Bria Foley - Iota and Lavayna Uppala - Eta. |
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Grand Chapter 2024 Medalists Awarded |
The Irving S. Cutter Medal, for outstanding contribution to medicine, was presented to Dr. Gary LeRoy of Alpha Upsilon chapter. From 2018 to 2021 he served the American Board of Family Medicine as President and Chairman of the Board. He has also served as President of the Ohio Academy of Family Medicine. A former Associate Dean of Wright State University School of Medicine, Dr. LeRoy continues to support the Dayton, OH inner-city community at the East Dayton Health Center. He is National Vice-President of Phi Rho Sigma and has served as councilor for Alpha Upsilon chapter.
Harriet Rodenberg was given the Jesse Ansley Griffin Medal for her service and contributions to Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society. Since 1990 she has served as Phi Rho's administrator of the Central Office. At the 2024 Grand Council meeting Harriet was made an honorary member so that she was eligible to receive this medal.
The recipient of the Paul L. McClain Research Award for outstanding research done by an undergraduate was presented to Isabel Hsu from Zeta Chapter. She spoke at the meeting on her research "Evidence for a case-based module in the low resource setting to teach ectopic pregnancy management". |
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Scholarships Awarded to Iota Chapter Graduates |
The William Angle Iota Benefit Memorial Scholarships were awarded to graduating M4's that are members of both Iota Chapter of Phi Rho Sigma and AOA. This year's recipients included; Fritson Caden, Austin Ragland, Kaityln Schultis and Katie Vanderzwaag. Congratulations to all! |
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Eta Chapter Highlights |
In February 2024 20+ members attended the suture clinic directed by pediatric surgeon, Dr . Steve Raynor. Much appreciation goes out to the Phi Rho Sigma National Foundation, which helped provide the funding for the instruments used at the clinic, and for the individual suture kits that were provided to the M1s to enable them to continue their learning at home.
The Eta Chapter at Creighton University had two Suture Clinics for their chapter members. Teaching the clinics was Steven Yackley a M4 and past chapter president. Dr. Carol Drake and Dr. Robert Troia along with several other Phi Rho members were there to facilitate the clinic.
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At the recent Grand Chapter meeting held in Scottsdale, AZ, Julie Best, M.D. ws re-elected as National President of Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society. Also serving a second term are Vice-Presidents Gary LeRoy, M.D. and Sheryl Mascarenhas, M.D. both from Alpha Upsilon chapter. Gabriel Cuka, M.D. will continue to serve as Secretary-Treasurer. Completing the Executive Board are Christy Benson, M.D. who serves as Historian and Neil Knight, M.D. who is the editor of the Journal.
Elected as Undergraduate Delegates to the Grand Council as representatives of the chapters were Theresa Thomas- Eta, Sara Osborne - Theta Tau, Natalie Rech - Iota and John Freeman-Eta. Alternate Undergraduate Delegates. named were Hilary Kleppel - Alpha Upsilon, Elizabeth Forte - Alpha Upsilon, Matthew Foman - Theta Tau, Nathan Walton - Mu and Tyler Sharp - Iota.
Dr. Best has appointed the following people as committee chairs: Dr, Worthe Holt. Pi - Advisory Chair, Dr..Joseph Wheeler. Iota - Social Media Chair, Dr, Elisabeth Righter, Alpha Upsilon - Succession Chair, Dr. Wade Swenson, Theta Tau - McClain Research Award Chair, Dr. Daniel Matasic, Mu - New Physician Liaison Chair, and Dr, Mildred Willy, Pi - Advocacy Chair.
Dr. John Ayres, Pi will continue as the head of the Phi Rho Sigma Foundation along with Dr. James Jackson, Alpha and Dr. Martin Wice, Alpha serving as trustees. |
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Iota Benefit functions as the alumni association for the Iota chapter at the University of Nebraska. The alumni association annually recognizes senior medical students who, as members in good standing of Iota chapter, have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement by being named members of A.O.A. These scholarships are named for Dr. William Angle, a long time member of the Iota Benefit board, whose investment strategies were in large part responsible for the ability of the board to award them. Recipients of the 2022 scholarships are Austin Gibson, Samatha Cox, and Tim Lackner They will each be presented a check for $500.00 at the graduation ceremony. |
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The Phi Rho members from Wright State University have made the organization 4 Paws for Ability one of their service projects this year. This organization is a local non-profit placing trained service dogs with children and veterans with disabilities and seniors living with Alzheimer's. The volunteers helped with the the day to day needs of the facility which were definitely not the most glamorous of jobs but as one member wrote, "We learned about 4 Paws and the services they provide for our community, we got to do a volunteer project to help, and we got to play with the puppies. Could you ask for anything better?" |
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Each fall Iota chapter sponsors a golf outing to raise money for the Meyer Foundation for Disabilities. The MFD is an organization whose goal is to provide, social, skill building, and educational activities for adults with developmental disabilities. There is a sharp decline in these sorts of activities when people with developmental disabilities reach the age of twenty-one, so the MFD aims to fill that void. The golf outing was held at the Benson Championship Golf Course in Omaha. Nine teams of four players each competed for various prizes throughout the day and overall winner. The chapter had eighteen sponsors for the tournament as well. Before the start of the tournament MFD president, Mary McHale, spoke to the group about the goals of the Foundation and the reasons she has become so involved it the Foundationand its programs. In January the chapter presented a check for $4,900.00 to the Meyer Foundation to support their programs.
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Eta and Iota chapters sponsor "DO NO HARM"
Eta and Iota chapters met the Phi Rho Sigma goal of excellence in professional work and improvement to the medical profession by sponsoring the film "DO NO HARM". This documentary is directed by Robyn Symon and is about the recent epidemic of suicides affecting the medical profession. Eta chapter hosted two showings, one on the school campus and one at Bergen Mercy Hospital. A discussion followed each showing lead by a panel of experts and faculty. At Iota they served dinner during the film and a Q&A session followed. Physician suicide is not an easy topic to talk about but the movie provided an opportunity to reflect on this topic while finding also finding a way to help medical students and the medical community through this epidemic. Over 350 people saw the film and the audience was a combination of medical students, faculty and community professionals. |
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